Abuse by Proxy: Jennifer White Covering Up for Derek Phillips

Abusers, often narcissists, typically collaborate with other abusers or enablers. They tend to marry, date, or befriend such individuals to aid in their deceit because they recognize these people as likeminded and find enablers easier to manipulate and more willing to assist in mistreating others. For instance, Epstein’s wife was implicated in the abuse of numerous innocent girls. Hence, it should not come as a shock if an offender partners with someone who permits them to act reprehensibly towards them and others while concealing the truth.

Derek’s new girlfriend insulted me, calling me a stupid bitch for being raped and getting pregnant (I miscarried alone) by someone I identified as abusive. While I acknowledge that engaging with someone so malevolent was a grave mistake on my part, I ponder what she calls herself now. It’s likely she has endured similar derogatory treatment from him, such as being called derogatory names, but perhaps she accepts such disrespect as normal. Only someone lacking self-love would permit an individual like Derek to remain in their life for an extended duration.

Jennie, the enabler, prompted her children and other family members to harass me online. She also attempted to get me fired by spreading lies to my employer and collaborated with my abuser to intimidate me into silence. I have never met this woman; my knowledge of her stems from legal records, hearsay, and her behavior online.

Jennie is notorious for this kind of toxic behavior, often enlisting younger individuals, including her own children, to carry out her nefarious activities. A supposed friend of hers contacted me to apologize for the social media harassment and revealed the names of those involved. Upon further investigation, while under attack, I discovered that the new girlfriend’s children’s father had been charged with first-degree rape against an innocent woman and domestic violence against her, yet she continued to have children with him and enabled his abuse until his death. Protect yourself by documenting everything, recording all interactions, and speaking out about your abuser and those who assist them.

Note: The conversation below occurred roughly three years ago. I reached out to Derek’s new girlfriend after her daughter (and other family members) began harassing me online, and she had unblocked me to extend the attacks. At the time, I was unaware of the full situation and attempted to resolve the issue as an adult by asking her to cease her actions. The subsequent text attacks were devastating because I did not know her personally and had never interacted with her, yet she harbored intense animosity towards me due to my abuser’s smear campaign. Honestly, I harbored similar feelings towards his ex during our relationship.

At this point, I had already been harassed by her daughter and other people she knew. Because I was very insecure and didn’t know my self-worth, I decided to beg for respect and space. I should have never acknowledged her, but I took the bait and she took the opportunity to say all of the things she felt about a woman who had never done anything to harm her. I did the same thing. I lashed out at a woman who didn’t do anything to me directly, so one could say this was an opportunity for me to see how it felt, but on a level 10x’s worse. I was exchanging words with a sick monster.
Derek’s ex-wife never spoke to this woman, in fact, at the time of this message, the ex-wife posted on Twitter about how sad it was that the father refused to help their daughter pay for college because he hates the ex-wife. Flying monkeys are usually very desperate enablers with extremely low self-esteem. They will lie for your abuser, pretend for the abuser, and enable them to continue abusing them, the people around them, and they will help them abuse you. I never stopped by my ex’s house, called him, or even spoke to people he was acquainted with, but his enabler perpetuated this lie to make herself feel good. I did share his daughter’s public TikTok video about how her dad traumatized their family, the new girlfriend called her a bitch, and the family had a restraining order against me (this part was untrue, but it was a part of the smear campaign against me). .

Meanwhile, the ex-wife that has a ton of respect for Jennifer White posted this on Twitter….SMH! The lies people will tell for narcissists are beyond sickening and desperate, but I was delusional, right? LOL!

This is her receipt. I didn’t even know what that meant at the time, now I do. She went as far as to change a name in her phone to protect my abuser. I was truly sad for her at that moment because she’s obviously sick in the head. I had never met anyone like this before and I was truly shocked that she would tell lies and enable her own demise in the future. To this day, my ex has never stood up for her. She’s fighting for a man who doesn’t fight for her, and she hasn’t stopped to ask herself why?
I did not respond in length after this last message. Apparently, she has a friend who is a licensed psychologist who has diagnosed me, although she’s never met me. She’s supposedly an educated professional who diagnoses people based on hear-say. If I knew her name, I would share this information with her to make sure she knows how her friend uses her. However, this person lied about so many other things, I’m willing to bet this was a lie as well. Her friend should know that she’s using her credentials to corroborate lies and this could jeopardize her license. Enablers/Narcissists are so desperate, they’re willing to use anyone to save face for an abuser and they don’t care about how it will affect anyone around them.

People continued to stalk me on social media, call my phone all hours of the day and night, sit in front of my home, follow me around town, and my son even witnessed my ex passing his dad’s house several times. When you expose these monsters, they will try to intimidate you through trying to fight for others to see the truth they don’t want to see.

Here’s the link to the letter Jennifer White wrote to my boss: https://northofthefray.com/when-the-smear-campaign-comes-to-your-job?preview_id=1885&preview_nonce=7f13b56731&preview=true

She hoped her whiteness would be enough for her to speak and get a black woman fired from her job. She felt entitled to write this letter and used her white privilege to attempt to hurt other people. This is typical narcissistic and racist behavior, however, it didn’t work in her favor because my boss was a black woman who had dealt with this type of behavior for many, many years, plus she witnessed my ex harassing me.

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