Living Intentionally
I want to start this post by being honest, I’ve considered quitting my teaching job so many times because I am one of the lowest-paid professionals with a degree that I know, however, every time I come to the crossroads of taking a pathway out of teaching, a student comes to me and says “Ms. Moore, if it wasn’t for you I wouldn’t have decided to go to college,” or “Ms. Moore, because you took me to visit that company, I know what I want to do now, ” or I’m just present for them when they need a shoulder to cry on. Many of my students wrestle with serious trauma and they see my classroom as a place of peace and warmth. It’s in those very moments that remind me of my purpose and I am then refueled to take the upcoming school year by storm, purposely creating plans to change lives and letting every student know they’re important and that I care about them beyond what they can imagine, but most importantly, God LOVES THEM.
I ABSOLUTELY LOVE MY STUDENTS, therefore, I love my job even when I don’t love the part where I’m severely underpaid. The only reason I second guess my purpose is because of the lack of financial provisions, but God has supplied not only my needs but also the things that I want within reason. When I submitted my request of needing more income to the Lord, I received favor, after favor, after favor. I was offered several leadership stipends that gave me the little extra $$ I desired. Also, I love to travel but I couldn’t afford to visit more than three places annually (I know some of you are saying isn’t that enough, but it’s not if you love meeting new people all around the world), so I was offered a board member position with a multimillion-dollar organization where I travel twice annually at their expense. So far, I’ve been to so many different states/cities and I feel so blessed by the connections I’ve made with others. I get to bring new ideas to my students and my life, and today I serve as Treasurer for this organization which puts me in an even better situation for additional traveling around the United States. When God wants you to stay somewhere, He’ll equip you with exactly what you need to stay. God doesn’t have to provide incentives, but He’s gracious enough to do just that. I’m so grateful for all that God has allowed me to accomplish and it’s only getting better.
I use my experience with trauma to speak to others in every one of the spaces I visit and it has been such a blessing to watch God move on the hearts of so many people, especially students. Intentional living has kicked into full gear for me and there’s no turning back. I’ve learned how important it is to know the purpose for what you’re doing and to know you’re called by God to do great work, in spite of the way others treat you, in spite of what others might say about you, in spite of your personal concerns or trauma.
God positioned me where He wants me to be and I wouldn’t change who I am or what I’ve been through for anything in the world. If you don’t get anything from this post but this, please know that you were created for a purpose. There’s a reason we all have different fingerprints because we’re expected to be exactly who God created us to be. Yes, trauma can sometimes make your path fuzzy and daunting, but it’s the newness birthed from the pain that makes the path clearer. It takes 2500 degrees Fahrenheit and 825,000 pounds of pressure to form a raw diamond so the saying “what doesn’t kill you will make you stronger” is true, and this is all the more reason we must use every bit of our pain to change the entire world. You can do it one person at a time or God might put you on a platform to speak to thousands at once. Whatever your position is, stand firm in it INTENTIONALLY. Nobody else can be YOU, like YOU can. God will use every single bit of your journey to bless others and when others are blessed, you’ll receive blessings. God works from the bottom up. Each one teaches one, and each one blesses one.
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