Flying Monkeys Will Pretend to Care About You To Get Information For the Narcissist

The individual who sent these messages is a close friend of the abuser, Derek. He feigned concern about the abusive treatment I and others received, but ultimately, his true indifference was revealed. His duplicity was evident as he would say one thing to me and then relay something entirely different to Derek.

It’s important not to shield those who back abusers. If someone positions themselves in your narrative as a supporter of the abuser, it is crucial to disclose the complete truth, including the names of all involved who contributed to your harm.

Later, he aided in the abuse by asking me to remove the abuser’s name from a post that exposed the abuser and the new girlfriend for their attempt to get me fired. He didn’t care about the girlfriend being exposed, he was only concerned about my ex because I am sure my ex gave him the assignment to stop me from exposing him only. The friend called me after he texted me and said “Derek said he didn’t have anything to do with THAT GIRL sending your boss a letter.” He worked to silence my voice and had been working to do that the whole time. Enablers/Flying monkeys pretend to care about you so they can keep tabs on you for the abuser.

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